20 January 2025
In anticipation of the next phase of the Net Zero Accelerator, LocatED is asking for feedback from the market on the draft invitation to tender (ITT) and contract documents. Please respond by 12.00pm on Monday 27 January for your comments to be considered.
The Department for Education is considering tendering for three delivery partners for the next phase of the Net Zero Accelerator. This project will facilitate the delivery of decarbonisation initiatives across 150 schools (including at least three FE colleges), prioritising energy efficiency and energy generation projects that can be completed with the 2025-26 financial year.
LocatED is conducting voluntary pre-market engagement under Regulation 40 of the Public Contracts Regulations with a view to preparing the procurement and informing suppliers of our procurement plans and requirements. While always acting in accordance with the procurement principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination, we reserve the right to:
- Determine whether or not to incorporate supplier feedback into our procurement process and associated documents;
- Share any relevant information and supplier feedback with all potential bidders (which shall be anonymised and redacted to protect suppliers’ confidential and commercially sensitive information); and
- Abandon, postpone or change any part of the procurement process at any time without any liability to suppliers and/or potential bidders.
n.b. Suppliers are responsible for their own costs in responding to this pre-market engagement.
Please access the documents for review using this link.
Please respond to the questions as outlined in the Pre-Market Engagement Questions PDF document and return to [email protected] by 12.00pm on Monday 27 January for your comments to be considered.