LocatED is excited to be back at Education Estates and pleased that you're connecting with us.
Stand 223
Since we were last at Education Estates, LocatED has continued to deliver on our core remit – acquisitions, disposals, asset management, property advice and mixed-use developments. This is now complemented by our increasing involvement in estates efficiency initiatives and further education estates advice.
LocatED has also launched, in conjunction with the Department for Education, the Net Zero Accelerator. We have already conducted a market engagement session and issued an Invitation to Tender for a feasibility study. The Net Zero Accelerator will facilitate the rapid rollout of decarbonisation initiatives across the education estate. The vision is to create a service which can support responsible bodies in the assessment of the existing condition of their estate and advise what building works they need to do, and the order in which to do them.
To learn more about this, email the team on [email protected].
Please find here the literature available on our stand:
- Adapting school design for learning health and wellbeing, with UCL Bartlett
- Educating the City: Urban schools as social infrastructure, with UCL Bartlett
- Net Zero Accelerator
- LocatED Corporate Plan
Site Requirements
LocatED has site requirements across England. Click here to find out about the latest requirement.
- Will Attlee
- Ruth Cunningham
- Peter Ganney
- Nigel Smith
- Brendan Henao
- James Brook
- Guy Wheeler
- Rav Cheema
- Matt Robertson
Upcoming events
LocatED will be involved in a number of exciting upcoming events. If you’ll be at any of the following events, please feel free to connect with us there too:
- 15 November- Association of Colleges Conferences, ICC Birmingham
- 15-16 November – London Build, Kensington Olympia
- 22 November- The Schools and Academies Show, Birmingham NEC
- 30 November – MATs Summit, De Vere Cotswold Water Park