25 August 2023
Following a successful market engagement session, LocatED has shared more information on the Net Zero Accelerator Programme.
Click here for the latest update on the Net Zero Accelerator Programme
The Net Zero Accelerator market engagement session on 15 August, hosted by LocatED and the Department for Education, was attended by over 200 delegates representing over 100 organisations specialising in the delivery of innovative decarbonisation and climate resilience initiatives. The online event was used to share the scale of LocatED’s vision for the Net Zero Accelerator Programme (NZAP).
During the session, attendees also heard from Sharon McHale from DfE’s Sustainability and Climate Change Unit, who provided further background on the DfE’s ambition to achieve net zero across the school estate.
LocatED is looking for partners to deliver a ‘proof of concept’ that will demonstrate the commercial viability of a range of decarbonisation interventions, including condition and fabric improvements, adaptation measures, energy efficiency and energy generation.
The session generated dozens of questions from delegates which have been compiled and answered by the NZAP team. Please see here for responses to questions raised and referenced links, including the slides used in the session.
It is expected that the Invitation to Tender (ITT) will be issued on 14 September, with tender responses due on 29 September. In preparation for the ITT, organisations that are considering to submit a tender are advised to register on the Department for Education eTendering Portal ahead of time.
If you have any further questions about becoming a partner in the Net Zero Accelerator, please contact [email protected].